Larapinta Timeline

4 July 2022 - Arrive in Alice Springs
5 July - Begin walking from Alice Springs
23 July - Finish on the summit of Mount Sonder
25 July 2022 - All back in Alice Springs

The track is accessible at several points along the route (see map above), though sometimes only
by 4x4. Consequently, we plan to use a support vehicle for safety purposes and to carry Walters
heavy nebulizing equipment. The vehicle will meet us at ten points during the nineteen-day hike.
We are planning on two rest days and three overnight legs:
1. The first being Section 6 (Hugh Gorge - Elery Creek).
2. The second being Section 9 (Serpentine Dam - Orminston Gorge).
3. The third: Finke River – Redbank Gorge.

● On these overnight legs we must carry two days' water, food and camping
equipment plus an emergency kit and extra callipers for Paul. These overnights will present the main